Transient Joy

Aradhna Malhotra posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-20

Amidst the festivities of a grandiose affair, My harried mind hesitates, a question irks, Debauchery indulge, why on finery I splurge? When in a day, this wedding extravagance will disperse? Answers, my mind, by posing a question new, If Sun will soon blanch, all colours and hues, Why sagacious, all-knowing, Nature celebrates? If Summer supersedes, why Spring fests in her prismatic best? Rationale one more, I surf in waters deep, Why, the swelling sea, ostentatiously seeks? The waxing moon, it’s love, it surges to please, All-knowing, judicious, its idol would be soon, waning free. Life a celebration, joyously spent, Events and occasions, all memories cement, With zeal, exult, crown each moment so rare, Is it not, what the all-knowing, Nature suggests? _______________________________


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