Under the Moon and the Stars

Sheena Jain posted under PenMuse-07 Poetry Villanelle on 2019-05-10

When the moon is up and the stars are shining bright
Our hearts break into an aria of love so melodious
And our eyes capture the image of the beauteous night

Hours spent in longing, at last, lovers reunite
To hold each other close and feel so harmonious
When the moon is up and the stars are shining bright

Hopeless in love yet everything seems right
Soft moonlight makes our little alcove so luminous
And our eyes capture the image of the beauteous night

The gentle breeze caresses our hair and our dreams take flight
May the Heavens shower blessings from above so pious
When the moon is up and the stars are shining bright

Time is running out, we hold each other ever so tight
To never let go in an embrace so sensuous
And our eyes capture the image of the beauteous night

Our tryst must end before it’s daylight
And we part from each other with a memory so joyous
When the moon is up and the stars are shining bright
And our eyes capture the image of the beauteous night


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