Us, Against All Odds

P Chidrupi posted under Guest Posts Love Leap Short Stories on 2024-04-23

Read the prequel here: A World Without You *** Samaira is sitting in a trendy coffee shop at Jaipur airport, eagerly tapping her fingers on the wooden table in anticipation. It took her about a year to get in touch with Milind, for their schedule to match to finally make this clandestine meeting happen. She asked him about Akira. Rather than conveying the news over the phone, he insisted on meeting in person. It worked out well because she would have her weekend off, too.  She has been waiting for an hour, observing the crowd and listening to the chatter at the cafe. Milind finally arrives, his voice jostling her out of her thoughts. A tall man stands next to him, dressed in civilian clothes, his lips parting slightly upon spotting her. He removes his goggles, blinking in surprise. Without thinking, Samaira rushes forward and embraces him. All she wants is to ensure that what she saw is real and not an illusion. It’s Akira in the flesh, with not a scratch over him! He’s alive. Milind planned this meeting instead of saying it. “Aki, you’re alive. I am so glad!” Akira stands immobile at the words. A woman who attended an army drill with him is clinging to him; this never happened before. The wetness seeping into his shirt — she’s even crying! For him. Of course, he referred to her as a woman, but remembers her after a year. They had scaled the Neele Pahad. He had offered a piggyback ride to her when she hurt her ankle. She’d been steadfast despite her occasional clumsy self, which was cool. “Samaira…” Her name slips from his lips after a year, familiar-sounding, as if an age old mantra he was taught. Her sobs intensify when he touches her shoulder. A couple of minutes later, seated back in her chair, he and Milind flanking her on either side, she furiously wipes her eyes with the tissues on the table. He has to remind her to be gentle. “Sorry, I can’t stop… I don’t know why.” Akira heaves a sigh. He has grown accustomed to this situation. A few distant acquaintances who came to know he was alive reacted the same way, leaving him at a loss. That's the reason he doesn't form friendships! Should he feel joyful that another Akira died in battle? “You…” He speaks after Samaira calms herself, thinking she composed herself quickly, “You know human life is fragile, Samaira. A soldier’s is even more so. So why…” “I know…” Her tears return. “Yet I thought of you many, many times when I was off duty. I regretted that I let go of the chance when I could have known you better. We could have become friends or… I just wanted you to live… It’s selfish, I know.” Akira smiles. She is out of tissues. He dabs her eyes with his kerchief while Milind plays a mute spectator. Samaira accepts the gesture with a slight smile. Akira exchanges a glance with Milind in which the latter tells him nonverbally — I knew this was the reunion in store for us! Akira sighs again, refocusing on his lady companion. “Samaira, for you to be this emotional… why?” “I don’t know…” she says, though her face flushes a bit. “I know this is embarrassing. But those were my feelings. I wanted you to live. I want everyone in the armed forces to live, actually.” Akira chuckles. “You’re a dunce.” “Huh…” “The good kinda one. Soft-hearted. Emotional.” Samaira shrugs. This is the first time she’s had a lengthy conversation with Akira, yet it doesn’t feel so. He pats her head. The touch soothes her, causing her to smile. “I’m glad you’re alive, Akira. I’m glad we met again.” “My friends and well-wishers said the same. But I’m conflicted. This another Akira dies while we head to battle terrorists inside a building. Should I be glad it wasn’t me?” Samaira nods. “I understand. You can be sad for him and his loved ones but also be glad for your loved ones!” Such an earnest answer. Is she one of his loved ones, then? Akira can’t help but smile again. “I get it…” “Yeah…” Samaira straightens her spine. “I wanted to talk to you that day! I even closed in on you during the party but couldn’t reach out. Thought I’d never get the chance, but I’m finally doing it. Life is unpredictable, huh? That said, I’m deeply grieved for the death of another Akira.” Milind responds before Akira can, “Aha! I told you this was going to happen… Inside my head I did,” he adds when Akira blankly stares at him.  “Stay out of this conversation, Milind!” “Come on, Aki! You can’t order me a round, okay? You’re not my boss in the navy! Ladki mili mujhe bhool gaya?” Despite the pitfalls, Milind is a great buddy to own! Akira laughs while Samaira flushes again before laughing along. Akira observes she’s acting girlish. Even more so in person than she was at the CIJWS. She is dressed in civilian clothes. Jeans, t-shirt, her curly hair held in a high pony. She looks like an average girl — no one will know she is an air force officer. If he’s honest, he wanted to talk to her a bit more too. That night, he wanted to get to know her and Milind better. Especially her. But he held back, as it wasn’t his policy to make friends for obvious reasons. But seeing her in distress, now he feels he should have broken his rules. That would have saved her a lot of misery. She wants to get to know him better… Is this what he thinks it is? Also, if she’d been like Milind who’d tailed him down, then… He clears his throat. “I’m surprised you want to know someone like me rather than Milind.” Samaira shrugs, her head droops before she looks him in the eye. “Matters of the heart are complicated.” Akira chuckles in disbelief while Milind whistles. Samaira composes herself before she can blush hard. Akira can’t stop himself. The words spill out of his mouth. “You have a beautiful soul, Samira. Sensitive too…” “I — I decided I will be myself, regardless. As long as it does not affect my duties, it’s fine, right?” “Of course… but I…” he trails off because he finds her full, confident smile is blinding and suddenly has the thought that she’s beautiful. All of her is beautiful. “This is the first time a woman said to me she wants to know me. I’m…” Milind interjects, “koi ladki kaise bolegi, jab tum statue ki tarah khade hote ho uske saamne aur ghoorte ho? You’re so stiff and unapproachable. Even I had a tough time befriending you, so—” “Milind!” Millind shakes his head, making a show of fearing Akira. He raises his arms in surrender and curls back in his chair. “I know I can’t stick my nose where it doesn’t belong. Okay!” He pulls his phone out of his pocket, plugs in his wireless earbuds into his ears, also orders himself a coffee and doughnut. “Pretend I don’t exist, okay?” Akira and Samaira stare at him and at each other, bursting out in laughter.  “So, Samaira…” Her name on his lips is the beginning of a long conversation, the initial building block for a strong bond of friendship and, potentially, something deeper.  “Yes, Akira… Er, what’s your surname?” Before Akira can answer, Milind does. “Rathod! Dude is connected to some royal family, too! Aki is pretty cool!” “Milind! I thought you weren’t sticking in your nose… Also, I would prefer it if you don’t call me Aki.” Milind nonchalantly gets back to his phone. Samaira laughs. “Aki is a cute nickname!” “Right!” Milind says and flashes his phone, showing he’s upturned the music volume. “Now you have complete privacy.” Samaira turns to Akira as they order some coffee for themselves. “Royal family, hm? Impressive!” “I’m… not a royal, but my family surely is affiliated with the royal family of Ajmer. A pretty far relation.” Akira clarifies. “I’m the odd one who chooses the army. The only son of my papa who isn't in the textile business in Ajmer.” “Wow, that’s still cool.” “Tell me about yourself.” “I’m from Kasauli.” “Ah, the beautiful town in Himachal? The skies there are beautiful, the mountains too! Is that why you chose the air force?” “Yes. And my Par Dada served the IAF. He’s a war veteran. What about you? Anyone in the army from your family?” “None.” “That must have been a tough choice to make.” “The best choice I ever made. I didn’t want a life of regrets.” “That’s wonderful, Aki.” “You call me that? Then I will call you Sam. That was stitched into your uniform, wasn’t it?” “Y-you remember?” Samaira has butterflies but puts on a calm smile. “Wow, you can be friendly.” “What did you think? I’m not a robot. I have friends back at home, you know, and even in my regiment. But at one point, I thought since I joined the force, I should sever all my connections.” “I know. I was the same. But then I thought I won’t stop myself from loving someone or forming new bonds. I need to appreciate them so that they become valuable when I no longer have them. It won’t serve me to shun all my attachments. I think there should be a balance.” Akira is thunderstruck for a moment, impacted by her words. Dozens of others who said the same couldn’t accomplish what she did. Why is it that with Samaira, everything is more impactful? This is the first time he is opening up to her, yet it only feels natural, like it is meant to be. Is this a soul connection? He inwardly laughs at his sappy phrasing. He never thought a day would come when he’d even consider such words. Balance can never be found in the lives of those who serve the forces, he wants to say, yet refrains himself. Samaira is a smart girl who already knows. And yes, he can be proven wrong and balance can be found. He shifts to lighter subjects. Samaira happily discusses her favourite movies and other hobbies. “Why is your name Akira?” “Sudden question. Hm, maybe it was my mother’s choice. She travelled around the world a lot as a fashion designer in her youth, even to Japan, so…” Akira enthusiastically describes his family and life in the army. At the end, Samaira doesn’t know if she has become friends with him or reaffirmed her budding feelings of love. She’s awestruck by every detail he shared. Akira has to take a flight back to Imphal, where he will be stationed again for many weeks. She has to see him and Milind off, who is boarding a plane to Chennai.  Millind has already left; it is her and Akira at the departure terminal. Just as she thinks this reunion is turning bittersweet, Akira pulls her into a hug. His hug is tight, his words soft but firm in her ear— “Thank you, Sam. Thanks for caring and offering your beautiful heart to me. We will meet again.” Her nose stays buried in his chest. She relishes that closeness before pulling away. A chaste kiss lands on her forehead. She wants to be adventurous and do it in return, but he turns on his heel, waving goodbye. A content yet solemn smile touches her lips. She finds relief in the new reality. They are parting ways on friendly terms this time. She has his contact details, and he has hers. They will meet each other again. They can meet without relying on luck or Leap Day drills. *** Two years later  Akira and Samaira are married but barely spend any time together. Though the bond between them is stronger than ever, Samaira feels it’s still a dream. They can only connect through a voice call on their anniversary night. Him in Manipur, her in Hyderabad, both at different military facilities. It’s a dream or fate. After all, I wasn’t falling for every kind and good-looking officer I came across, she thinks as the ringer on her goes. Alone in the officer’s lounge, she has all the privacy she needs for one personal call. If she knew Akira better, he’d be pacing a hallway while talking. Once connected on call, Akira also reminisces about how they met. He voices her thoughts before she does. “It must be fate. I went on several missions, worked with many, but I could never imagine falling for someone in the same field. Never made acquaintances for non-work reasons while on a drill or a mission. I think it’s because you’re you, Samaira. You uncover parts of me I never knew existed. Because of you, I’m able to connect with my friends and loved ones again. I love you.” She chuckles, touched by what she heard. “Haha, you told me that, like, thirty-three times already.” “You were keeping count? It’s not every day we can connect. And it’s our anniversary. Besides, you were the one who sought me out and loved me first. So I plan to say it as many times as I can to make it up to you…” “Oh, Aki… I love you too. You spoke my mind, you know, with the fate thing. I thought the same. It was because it’s you.”  “Ah. It’s truly fate. But then we have Milind who’s our cupid; he intends to take the full credit.” “I think he deserves it.”  “I'll permit him temporarily. He’s bummed he has found none to love. Why can’t he be happy with his job?” “He’s plenty happy always, and cute. And so are you, Aki.” “Only you could call me cute, sweetheart. Aki… I like that short name now. I’m even allowing my colleagues to call me that.” “Huh, I thought it was reserved for special people.” “You can always call me honey or darling.” “Akira, you… you’re impossible.” “Well, my love, we can only steal moments like this. How else can I be?” “Hmm. Happy Anniversary, honey…” “Ha… Happy anniversary.” “Are you perhaps embarrassed?” “Ahem… How’s work?” “Haha. My work isn’t as dangerous as yours, but it’s great. I love this job.” “Good. I have it all in control, too.” “So, can we meet soon?” “Hopefully. You know what? I’m glad we met at the Leap Day drill. You, I, Milind. I'm glad we treasure our connection. In whatever way possible.” “Yes, that’s what life is about. The next time I meet Milind, I should pamper him with more of my baked treats he likes.” “Hah, you and Maa already pamper him plenty! And he brazenly takes claim of my servings of cake because he played the damn cupid!” “Haha! Akira, you’re so funny!” “No, I’m jealous! How breezy is that guy! How easy it is for him to mesmerise people! Seriously, he gets to see the free verses you wrote in your journal about me, and I don’t?” “Huh, you already know me so well. More than him. Shouldn’t that be enough?” “Nothing can ever be enough when it’s about you, Sam. Can I see them on our next anniversary?” “I will think about it.” “So stubborn. You love to tease. Is it Milind’s influence?” “I think it’s yours. I will recite my verses to you the next time we meet because I love you.” They share a laugh. There’s no guarantee that their happy times will last. But here they are, renewing their vow to cherish their bonds with loved ones.