Waiting for the reunion

Girija Prakash posted under PenMuse-15 Poetry on 2020-01-21

My lips quivered, my body trembled. 
How could he just leave me without any parting words! 
Have the days and nights of our togetherness hold no truth anymore ? 
Was I living in a castle of dreams, which came crumbling down? 
Has true love lost it's authenticity, it's identity? 
I still can smell the male odour emitting from him. 
But he has left me forever, that is the real truth. 
I can feel his caressing and cajoling, his strong fingers through my tresses. 
The sweet nothings, which he whispered in my ears, 
Are still ringing through my whole body and soul. 
The late nights, the love bites, the kisses and our union, 
Are ever etched in my memories, even now. 
I am perplexed, confused and baffled simultaneously. 
I just can't believe, he is no more with me. 
The icy hands of death has snatched him away, mercilessly. 
How could he leave me alone, on a solo journey? 
God! Either give him back to me or unite me with him. 


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