Water Vault's Dome: A Martian Home

Sharda Mishra posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-51 on 2023-04-20

Mr. Sharman calls Sujatha, head of a Dome company Water Vault, seeking a new lease. Sujatha thanks Mr. Sharman as her pitch starts to increase. "Sir, experience our Dome to truly believe its worth," she says, It's designed with SuperAdobe, versatile and simple, the lifestyle it conveys. Mr. Sharman then asks about the internet services and its fee. Sujatha responds with a grin, "Sir, we've got the latest, 48G for you to see.  It's the only one on Mars, and works at lightning speed. 199 devices can run together, all with the same feed." "What's the square footage of your Dome?" asks Mr. Sharman next. Sujatha answers, "2300 sq. ft. with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms annexed. And our Domes are built to resist sun, wind, water, freeze, heat, and traffic. All the while being monitored by us hourly, it's quite fantastic!" "Our Domes have a 24-hour gym, basketball court, and park for children to play. And if you're feeling lucky, we even have a casino to brighten up your day.  We also have an on-campus hospital with an ICU unit fully stocked.  So if you fall ill, we'll have your back, and your recovery will be clocked." Mr. Sharman then quips, "How do you heat the Dome, with a blanket, haha?" Sujatha laughs too, "No sir, we use electricity, blowing warm air from the heater, so ta-da! That's the slow way of doing it, but we do have a fast way too. Just kidding sir, we won't drop a nuke, that's not something we'd do!" Mr. Sharman then asks about the essential amenities of the Dome. Sujatha lists them all - senior domes, a school dome, a university dome, and a farm dome. We have a water reclamation tower, an engineer’s dome, and a research dome too. We've got a sanatorium and an arcology dome, it's all up to you. "Wow, slow down," says Mr. Sharman, "I'll go with the specialized Dome, But what about security features? Will we be safe in our new home?" Sujatha  responds, "We've got custom-designed UV and radiation-protected jackets, and helmets with lightweight oxygen tanks, it's a neat system, no hacks!" Mr. Sharman then asks about the water supply, "We ran out once, it was a disaster," Sujatha reassures him, "We rely on evaporators, not deposits, it's a better master. We also never run out of food, thanks to our farming and research Dome. And our soil's super fertile, we compost with human manure, it's a green gemstone." "What about pandemics?" Asks Mr. Sharman, "We can't risk another COVID-19." Sujatha nods and replies, "We have strict rules, no one enters without being screened. Temperature and saliva tests are taken automatically at the Dome's entrance. A mandatory contact tracing app is installed on your phone for extra assurance." "Sounds great," says Mr. Sharman, "Tonight I'll come to book with glee. Thank you, Water Vault, you saved me! Living on Mars is a dream for me.” _________________ Authors Note: "Are you seeking a unique and adventurous lifestyle? During the pandemic, my husband and I amused ourselves by joking about relocating to Mars, a possibility that Elon Musk had recently announced. As we pondered the idea further, I couldn't help but see a potential business opportunity if and when Mars becomes habitable. Given the current lack of livable conditions, specially designed domes with unique amenities would be needed to accommodate human life. As a result, many entrepreneurial individuals may find opportunities to construct such domes and compete in the market. With this in mind, the above conversation is between a potential customer and a dome company, enticing the customer to purchase their dome.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!