Weeping Humanity

We live in a mundane, dumb society, Norms, fulfillment, content, on these we confide, Norms, fulfillment, content, on these we confide. An old woman, a diseased man critical, A woman with a child, their plight so typical. In local Mumbai trains, humanity seems so cynical. Where people push, rush, dead for kindness, In the petty village, customs stand as highness. Yet, something still hungers for justice, for upliftment. Motivational speeches of society's upbringing, We live by politics, and patriarchy clinging. Speak to ourselves, yet absolute blindness persists. Reminded of MJ's lyrics, a symphony, "Let's make a better place" For those weeping,  If you care enough for the entire mankind. A better space for you and me, for entire human salvation, A better world, together we demand, With caring hearts, let's give and take a stand for society, Speak for them, Speak for all.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!