We're students of God

Girija Prakash posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-17

The perching birds on the bough teach me to be ever alert. The blooming flowers of the plants makes me find happiness. The humming bees direct me to save for the rainy day. The rising sun assures me brightness of hope, after the night. The mountain ranges arrayed in lines guide me to be steady and strong. The aggressive waves of mighty ocean Proves the transitory nature of life. Mother Earth teaches me to be as patient as her. A kid sets an example, to be happy without any reason. The ants teach us to plan and look ahead. The eagle guides me to soar higher and concentrate on my goals. I have so much to learn from nature, yet about my knowledge I feel so proud. Achieved I have very little, Yet I brag about my success. All of us are just beginners in life, who've a long way to go. Every moment of life has a meaning hidden in it. We must try and decipher the content, and memorise it. Everything has a purpose on this planet. Nothing is waste or useless. God has created everything with great precision. So never doubt His credentials. Enjoy life to the fullest. ______________________________


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