What is wrong in it

Pooja Gupta posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-21 on 2020-07-24

“Ria, he is an eye candy. I just can’t take my eyes off him,” Tejal sighed. “Hmm, no doubt. I have heard he is a decent man too,” answered Ria while biting on her food. Tejal was besotted by Ridhaan from the day she met him first. He was assigned as her dance partner for upcoming gathering festival. While she was the first year student of computer Engineering, Ridhaan was in the second year. “Wish he likes me too,” Tejal was completely smitten by his personality. “My sixth sense says that he does. I have seen him watching you while you are doing your practice,” winked Ria. “Amen.” The pendulum struck two and the students dispersed for classes. An extrovert and outspoken girl by nature, Tejal never minced her words while expressing her fancy for charming Ridhaan. AFTER A MONTH- “Hey, why are you looking so upset? Did you see ghost of Ridhaan?”Ria joked. “This wasn’t funny. You said that hunk looked interested in me as well but I can’t see any sign. Rather I saw him with that Harshita the other day. What if they have some kinda affair?” Tejal’s disappointment was palpable. “Oh! But I don’t think so. Had there been such thing, the word would have spread like fire in the hostel.” Tejal nodded. She felt better.  “But what if………?” she wondered. NEXT DAY “Ria, I have to tell you something,” Tejal’s excitement was evident. She continued, “Since I can’t wait any longer, I am going to tell him about my feelings when we meet for our final dance practice in the evening.” Seeing Ria’s clueless face, she said, “Say something.” “Are you gone mad? I am too shocked to answer.” “What is wrong in that? Rather, give me one good reason for why can’t I initiate? If everything goes well, I may even propose to him. After all, an introvert shall be given this much excuse,” uttered Tejal. “But how can you show your desperation? You are a girl honey. Some moves shall be left for boys only. What if he says no?”Ria expressed her doubts. “Hey, which era are you living in? Grow up. By the way, why shall boys have all the fun?”Tejal laughed. Ria was answerless. She wished her the best. SIX YEARS HAD PASSED- “Ria, how has been the first week of marriage? How is Sudhir? “Tejal asked while sipping coffee in their favourite café. They conversed for hours. A while later a hesitating Ria said, “I want to ask you something. Sudhir is a gentleman but he is very shy. He never initiates. Hope you understand.” Ria understood her predicament, “You remember you mocked me twice; once during first year gathering and second time when I proposed to Ridhaan. So dear, there is no harm if first move is from your side. “ Ria had understood her hint, “yeah Mrs Ridhaan, I remember both times you said ‘Give me one good reason not to do it’” They laughed hysterically.


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