When its Time to Part

Shailaja Pai posted under PenMuse-15 Poetry on 2020-01-07

You walked into my life Against my wish, my fur babies I squirmed, stomped and wanted you out You stayed, I'm glad you did. As days turned into weeks and months My resistance turned into acceptance What powers you hold, I fail to fathom For your feline warmth worked it's magic, Thawing my frozen heart And revealing that part of me Whose existence I knew not, A part that could love And be loved like never before. Your cuddles made me feel complete Your mesmerising, green eyes spoke to me In a dialect only the heart can decipher How often I've felt, that destiny Ushered you into my life With a purpose and a plan, To soothe my wounds and heal my pain How often I've wondered if We've been together in  Another life, another realm. Your purr is my calming music Your presence is my Zen  I want to cherish you forever, But I've obligations to meet  My helpless hands are chained And I know we can't be together for long,  I pray for an angel in human form To carry you away in loving arms And give you the life you so deserve. When the time comes for us to part I'll turn my heart to the hardest steel And let you go, my precious darlings To your forever abode of love. ____________ ____________