When We Feel Low and Cold

Bina Pillai posted under PenMuse-14 Poetry on 2019-12-18

Despondency creeps on us gradually, Sometimes it’s not easy to act rationally, We lose our interest and desire naturally, It’s all a part of the human psychology! The death of a loved one, crossing oceans, Low self-esteem, cold wintry days and pains, Lack of motivation, divorce, stress at work place, Our dear friend goes away and we feel the strain! The mind gets fuzzy, we can’t think positively, We view existing relationships unfavorably, And push people around us to the periphery, When we can renew life magically! Look for the sunshine, the green bursts of leaves, Cherish every relationship, dance on the hills, Plant trees, grow more golden daffodils, Surplus it may seem, grow your friend circle! Listen to music, enjoy outdoor sports, Go on a holiday, give yourself a break, Breathe the cool air, the cold is not there to stay, Relax and read inspiring stories by the bay! I believe life is like our four seasons, Winter’s tough but spring is coming, When the bitterly cold wintry days are over, New life would spring up from the ground, Wait! and you can smell the roses again! ____________ ____________