Whispers of Wanderlust, Freedom's Tale

Achla Nagar posted under PenMuse-57 Poetry on 2023-11-17

Through valleys and hills, I roam free, Chasing dreams beneath the sky's spree. Whispers of winds, guiding my way, Embracing life in its endless play, Each step echoes, a tale to be told, In the heart's diary, memories unfold. ~Beneath the stars, my spirit flies~ Seeking truths in nature's symphony, Linked to the earth, yet so carefree. Enigma of existence, ever bold, In the book of life, my story's scrolled, A wanderer's soul, forever in glee, Bound to wander, forever wild and free. ~In the dance of time, destiny waltz I stride~ Through whispers of trees, secrets untold, Moments entwined, a tapestry of gold, Footprints imprinted where I've trod, A canvas of life, each color spread, In the fabric of space, I find my spree, A wanderer's heart, forever wild and free.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!