Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

Nidhi Kedia posted under Flash Fiction Quintale-12 on 2019-09-18

I was pacing in my living room waiting for the doorbell to ring. I checked my watch zillion times only to see it move to the next minute. The moment I went to the loo to relieve myself, the door bell rang! Ding dong, ding dong! Hurriedly I rushed to pull the gates open and welcome my not so small kids home after school. Before they could barely utter something I yelled surprise in all excitement. I served both my freshly baked cookies and looked at them anxiously for feedback.  Eeekkkksssss it’s raw said one, while the other vaguely commented “ Mom you cannot Bake”! I was taken back, but instead of pursuing them to have another bite, I tried to find out faults myself. I tasted each bite carefully tossing and turning those rounds several times before putting them in my mouth. I took it up as a challenge and baked each day after that for an entire month to satisfy my kids and more importantly prove my worth to myself; treated them with cookies and cakes until they gave me thumbs up. My heart jumped with joy and my happiness grew leaps and bounds when adults in the family loved them too. My choco chip cookies were fast moving off my kitchen cabinets each day. But that was not it! Being a berry fan my husband suggested me to try berries in cookies and this gave birth to Berry cookies. My first batch of strawberry cookies was an instant hit amongst friends and family. But the game was not over yet, I went to the supermarket to check on other varieties of berry cookies. And to my surprise all were using artificial colouring and preservatives and to top it all the label said “made with refined flour or maida in simple language” which today is like slow-killing white poison. We reap what we sow! This struck me to my core and I decided to give the world 100 % eggless, handmade, home cooked berry cookies made with oats,whole wheat flour, and brown sugar. Adhering to the Jargons of healthy eating my cookies have no maida and no artificial flavours. They are made with dried berries hence available 24/7. But, how long will they stay fresh? Is this bothering you too? Not to worry at all, when stored properly they have a shelf life of 1 month, but believe me no one can eat just one. I bet you won’t have to store them at all. The crust so good, makes a perfect crunch The dried berries, add a sweet punch The healthy oats makes it easy to munch Add it to your milkshakes, for a fruity punch Grab it for breakfast, or in between lunch Never to part, like a friendly bunch. Do write to me for a free sample and satiate your taste buds for life. OMG I need to hurry before someone steals my cookies again. Bye _____________ _____________