Why do I Exist?

Jacob John posted under PenMuse-31 Poetry on 2021-06-19

The question remains, why do I exist? Pondering again, as I fall asleep. Every other day this query persist, Whether in flight, humming or piercing deep. It struck again, as I touched her body, "The question remains, why do I exist?" Not again, this would make my work shoddy. Her beautiful skin, I could not resist. Embracing her so that we coexist, Again that thought, when she looked in anger, "The question remains, why do I exist?" and my presence there had transformed her. Then came out the tool she owned with pride, Swaying towards me , caught me with a twist, Before the spark could consume me I cried "The question remained, why did I exist?" Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!