Why it's me?

Neelima Thakur posted under Guest Posts Poetry on 2020-01-12

Baby lying in dad's lap
Dad is stroking hair with love
A happy pair they make
The baby looks deep,
Worrisome he looks again
Finds a blurred vision-like.

Calls urgently wife.
Scolding on why not check
Both take a closer look
With fear gripping deep
Both hold the child to light
Oh, why it's me for this plight?
Why my baby sight dimmed?
Exchanging looks they rush.

Doctor checking the boy
Shakes head in disbelief,
Why, what's wrong?
Both stand silent, fearing
Worst things in mind
Once, twice, thrice but
Looks not confirming good
Oh god, why this child was chosen?
Take mine, spare him !!

The doctor says, remove this eye,
It's cancer, spread fully!
If  not taken, the other too
Would go bad.
Surgery a must, now itself!
Asking all the hospitals for
Baby eye, no eyes available
Ultimately taken the eye and set
A stone eye to mar the looks.

After 25 yrs he stands before
A handsome boy of 30
I just look with love!
No sign of that eye now
Done surgery and he is fine!
Parents cry with joy!
Son returned back!


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