Wily Neta, Votes Are Safe!

Gopalakrishnan Prakash posted under PenMuse-58 Poetry on 2023-12-19

Wily Neta, webs that you weave Have no loopholes that you do leave Spellbinding are your honeyed words But hidden within them are swords Ev'ry infant for you is beti or beta Every voter is owned by you, wily Neta! Once votes are safely in EVM locked You do forget the doors you knocked Nev'r you step into the alleys Where you did hold crowded rallies Power and prestige of position you do have For five years you are the ruler once votes are safe! Connect with Penmancy [addthis tool=addthis_horizontal_folow_toolbox]   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!