Without You

Fabienne Reynolds posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S1: Poetry on 2021-08-30

I look at the stars every night
Far off worlds in the city light
Distant planets on their own quest
Some are alive, some are at rest
All is dark, without you.

I see the trees’ ghosts in the dark
Giant statues stand in the park
Guardians of the great mountain
From where descends a blue fountain
All is pale, without you.

From my garden I hear a song
It is an owl? I sing along.
There are scuttle noises around
Perhaps a hedgehog digs the ground
All is still, without you.

To reach the moon aim for a star
If you miss it, even by far,
The chances are that you will get
A memory you can't forget
All is gone, without you.


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