Yellow Hued

Aruna Menon posted under PenMuse-08 Poetry on 2019-06-13

Yellow n frayed at  the edges, I’ve already become, The bright green over, the dull brown yet to come A life well loved n lived, no longer in best of form A little smile, a hand extended, is so welcome! I’ve swayed with the breeze, flirted with the storm I’ve often been wild, straining against the norm By the winds of life, I’ve been tossed and turned Yellow the colour of ageing, I’ve never shied from!   Life’s been a rollercoaster, I’ve been tried and tested Sometimes wholly accepted, at times sharply rejected I want to forget the shards of piercing pain I just want to treasure the nuggets I’ve collected! Yellow leaves have less to lose, more to gain The best is yet to come, I repeat as a refrain! A lot to give, soaked in love, the rest of life to live Yellow leaves can show you the way once again!

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