Yes, it's been a Long Fight

Sheela Iyer posted under Poetry on 2022-08-21

Yes, it's been a long fight; as I lost my eyesight But I still recollect the red dress bright, That you gifted me on my twentieth birthday And truly made my day, Taking me out for dinner with candlelight. Rocked the dance floor till late at night Never danced like that before, you know, right? Your warm embrace put my worries at bay But since then, yes, it's been a long fight.   Our anger often dissolved after the cockfight, Like the sugar cubes in the coffee at night. You promised, forever with me, you will stay, But you did not keep your word and left me midway, Oh, why do I have to endure this plight? Yes, it's been a long fight.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!