Ying Yang

Vasu Pillailogam posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-62 on 2024-04-18

Bantu and Ginu lived in opposite apartments. Both can see each other through their window but never move in the same circle.  Bantu was always alone. He was never seen with anyone. But he had air around him, making him very enigmatic and robust.  Ginu always looked at Bantu. He always wonders,  "How beautiful he looks? Yes, he looked beautiful, even though he was male and owned his place. How he moved with such a charm and command?" More than all of the above, he always wondered, "How did this other guy survive on his own? How strong should he be? When all others said one should be sad or depressed if they are alone, he never associated these words with Bantu. I am sure he is neither sad nor depressed; he is happy there alone. I want to know how he survives that way?" On the other side, Bantu always noticed Ginu looking at him. At first, his fighter instinct made him alert, wondering if Ginu was spying on him. But as he observed Ginu, he realized he was harmless, just an observer. This piqued Bantu's interest. What was it about this fish that was so charming and cute? Yes, cute, not a word he often used. Ginu was always moving with  a group.  Bantu always saw him with others. Ginu was always in a gang or with someone or another. "How can he be with people for long? Doesn't he need space? Doesn't he need me time? How is he able to co-exist with others? Doesn't it need a lot of compromise?" They both found each other attractive and only exchanged glances, but some bond developed. Ginu found Bantu's presence made him feel the source of energy. Ginu looked at Bantu when he thought he couldn't survive his surroundings when new people joined the gang. He looked at Bantu and always thought I would be as assured as he was.  When he felt lonely, Bantu would look at Ginu and think, "Thank God people like him do not surround me; I would not have survived that suffocation."  Everything was going fine until one day when both were pulled by a net, put in a plastic pocket, and transferred to a new location, where both were placed in the same tank by a crazy human.  Bantu, the Beta Fish, looked at Ginu, a guppy fish who was put in the same tank. Now, Bantu's fighter's instinct couldn't be controlled. But to the humans' surprise, not only did Ginu and Bantu co-survive, but they became enchanting friends with each other. Bantu, who was intelligent, used to hide between the aquatic plants, and Ginu searched for him and chased him. Ginu never felt hostile towards Bantu. Bantu became friendly to Ginu and never attacked even the other guppies in the tank. They proved you can beat nature if you have the intention.