You Got it, Girl!

Aarthi Karanam posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S3: Poetry on 2023-08-14

I’m a girl; her house is the clouds, her dreams, her roof I am part devil, part angel; honest and kind Child of a wiseman father and angel mother In me is fused her large heart, his timeless wisdom But, in between lies my own wild dark side; boom boom! The girl’s now gone; instead, a grown silent woman  Her heart has chambers full of hurts, pain, secrets, spoils But, a magical balm too to drive them all out The storm’s gone, breathe! Hey! Another one comes along… I say “Bring it on!’ Blood and tears, scars, and wounds too Like Kunthi begged Krishna for more woes, for more trouble Me too, so I will never forget that the blood  In my veins and the power in my tongue and pen Is it because the mighty benevolent Lord Shiv Benevolently wills that it be so? Each day dawns by his grace and sets; one more new day Time’s a bilking mistress; my hair’s grey, knees hurt, ouch! For the first time, my mind’s clear like still water  I can see my body decaying but the soul Nearer its goal; ah! I will be delivered…   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!