Your Are Unique

Kirti V posted under Poetry on 2023-08-06

A voice... Gifted, divine, Melodious, soulful Enthralled us long ago, So lovely it sounded. That I never let go. A voice... Gifted, divine, Made us fall in pure love. Even the hearts of stone, Melted fast when he sang, For someone who's our own. A voice... Gifted, divine, Had us weep profusely, The pathos in his voice, Was so soulful for us, To hug sorrow by choice. A voice... Gifted, divine, Made an impact on us. Melodious, mystique It Made us laugh, love, cry,  Rafi saab!! You're unique.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!