Your Gift

Divisha Agrawal posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-03 on 2018-11-26

It was my birthday. I squealed with joy as I caught a glimpse of it while opening the gift. Your gift. It was the latest I phone model, just released in USA, still not available in India.

I would never let the phone out of my sight, ever. It was my only connection with you. Every night, sharp at 9, you would call me. Your silky voice would transport me to a land unknown to me hitherto. I was falling in love. I wanted to meet you desperately. But you always said another few months before your project in USA got over and then you will be with me. Facebook, our Cupid, that was where I had met you first time and that is where I can see your photos and calm my heart.

But that day you gave me another surprise. You wanted to do a video call. It was as close as I could get to feeling your presence. You were so handsome and so charming. The way your silky hair fell over your eyes. It gave your face such a sexy appeal. You have always been so inquisitive about my life. That day too you wanted me to show you my workplace. From the entrance to the boss’s office. I wonder how many boyfriends show such attention to such mundane things of their girlfriend’s life.

Your stories enthrall me. Your visits to so many countries has given you such an international feel. At times I feel as if you no longer belong to this country. How, surprised and charmed you were when I showed you the sea. I am sure you would have seen much more beautiful sights in your travels.

Today. You call me early morning and say there will be another surprise for me when I reach my workplace. In the evening I left for my workplace, excited. You knew I was on night shift. As My taxi pulls in the driveway, I see you, standing with a backpack. My heart skips a beat. I stumble getting out of the taxi. I run towards you and hug you. You tell me you have had a long journey and if I can get you a room in the hotel I work. I agree. I was with my love and I would do anything for you. You enter the hotel with me, waiving the security.   

And then a blast, like bursting of firecrackers. I don’t see you. There is mayhem everywhere. Someone is opening fire at us. I see my colleagues collapsing. My phone slips out of my hand as I go looking for you. My phone. Your gift. And as I realize it’s loss, I see you standing with a gun in your hand, aiming at me. Gush of blood and everything goes silent. As I lay down in my blood pool I realize that this night I lost it all. This is the night I lost my phone, my trust, my love and myself.
