A Palette of Sensations

Glory Neeraj posted under PenMuse-56 Poetry on 2023-10-17

Words are painted in colors bright Each sound ignites a vibrant hue A symphony of wisdom true Senses mingle, taking their flight The taste of music, sweet delight As Melodies on the tongues play In synesthetic grand ballet A swirling world of sound and sight In scent, a sonnet's whispered grace A fragrance tells a silent tale The colors weave a perfumed trail This synesthetic, wondrous space A synaesthetic tragedy Unlocking all mazes to see Each note and word a vivid key Feelings dance in the family In senses' spectral reverie The divine odysseys unfurl Where sensory rhapsodies twirl Souls recall their sweet memory In every brain, synapses spread A neural dissonance is masked Author's Note: Sail on the the kaleidoscopic ship of senses with 'A Palette of Sensations', a synesthetic journey unlocking hidden worlds, where words, music, taste and scents weave life's intricate web. Each verse creates a symphony, inviting you to feel the extraordinary in every sense.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!