A Sprint Towards Nothingness

Vidya Sanath posted under PenMuse-49 Poetry on 2023-02-08

Conversations flow with just a click of our fingers, a dialogue in which no one talks and no one listens, social media sites abound with friends and followers, but not one to heed our call when in distress, technology prides in bridging gaps and breaking barriers, what does it have to say about loneliness driven depression, aping the West, we blindly tailed on its trail, our own customs and traditions left far behind, the choiciest of cuisines ordered at our table, but good health seems to have vanished into thin air, amidst the stress, chaos, dilemma and life’s pandemonium, we seek for some moments of quietude to silence the chaotic minds, we have everything we ever asked for, sadly, in the melee we are left with nothing.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!