
Priya Washikar posted under Guest Posts PenMuse-49 Poetry on 2023-02-17

I entered this world amidst disappointed frowns. You were the only one who smiled. Primeval patriarchs tried to clip my wings. You taught me to soar in the boundless sky. Mistrust and misogyny made me doubt myself.  You placed your unshakeable faith in my dreams. They tried extinguish the embers of my spirit. You rekindled my fire that lay dormant within. I would’ve always been the society’s unwanted girl child. But with your blessings, I bloomed into a beautiful woman. Combating against the so-called world of man; You were like the one woman army. Ma! You died a little each day. So that I could live.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!