It Had Been Ten Years Since

Penmancy posted under SixPens on 2018-09-21

SixPens Tale- 2

SixPens Tale & Final Result

It had been ten years since those haunting aliens were last encountered and their nefarious plans of invasion had created a state of malaise. I vividly recollect that balmy day and the spotless skies without end.

Suddenly, the weather became ominously eerie as innumerable warships made their appearance like dark masses of sinister clouds.

They called it the Medusa nexus.

The Thanatos dragon spewed fire in relentless bursts of fury and annihilation. The shades of destruction were hard amidst the terrifying clouds of Typhoon. Like swarming bees, they were everywhere. Suddenly my alarm buzzed and I checked the source of the breach. The Magnetozone was gone, utterly vaporized. Only if we knew what's next we could have avoided the inevitable. And then rose Megatron like a phoenix from the ashes of burning cities. This was all 10 years ago? Yet, we live with the consequences, allowing them to shadow our lives and keep haunting generations to come. I wonder whether there is a way out of this wretched existence. And if the coming generations could ever forgive us for our indifference towards Life? Will the mutants of tomorrow be able to breathe oxygen again? Or will they survive without air?

"Breathless! Breathless!" I scream about, aloud; my voice echoes through the night. It's when I hear a knock. But, my breath fails me now as fear and asphyxia overwhelm me.

Contributed by: Arjun Rana, Olinda Braganza, Kajal Kapur, Sangeeta Shah, Janaki  Nagaraj, Beryl Zephyr, Rham Dhel, Ruchika Parmar
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