Match Made in Heaven

Bindu Pillai posted under Flash Fiction Nine Tales on 2020-10-24

Seema's mother looked at the panditji nervously. "What does it say? Will she get married this year? She's already twenty-nine." The panditji kept looking at the paper in his hand, a scowl on his swarthy face. Rubbing his stubby fingers down his chin he said," Don't worry Mrs. Nayar. Her horoscope is just wonderful. Her birth number is nine, very powerful number. But…" Seema's mother was at breaking point now. Beads of perspiration gathered on her forehead. Panditji looking very solemn replied, " She needs someone equally powerful in her life. His birth number should be also nine or one. The marriage has to be conducted within two months. It is the most auspicious time for your daughter. " Mrs Nayar looked at panditji, anxiety writ all over her face. " Where will I get such a match so soon. Within two months Are you joking?" Panditji had a smile on his face now. He said gently " Will I joke about this matter? Today only one boy's horoscope came to me. His birth number is also nine. They are from your own community. He is well qualified and I can vouch for the family. I can see a silver lining." Seema and her father looked aghast when her mother  broke the news to them. Seema flared up and retorted," So now I should marry anyone because the Panditji told you! And in two months you want me out of your house." But seeing the apprehensive look and concern about her marriage on her parents face she consented. And as they say matches are indeed made in heaven. Seema met Girish, the boy and his parents. They instantly connected. Everyone was pleased with the perfect match. Exactly on 9.9.2019 at 9 a.m their marriage was solemnised. 
