
We can give you nine reasons for why the number nine holds importance. Instead we are waiting for you to share with us what ‘nine’ means to you- nine lives, nine months, nine days, nine gems, nine rings, nine petals, or anything else nine that you may think of.

This navratri, interpret ‘nine‘ in your stories.


  1. Based on the above premise, write a fictional story between 250-300 words. Send in your entries to in a word document only (.doc/.docx). Stories without a title will not be accepted.
  2. The subject of your mail should be “Entry for #NineTales″ (compulsory). 
  3. Entries exceeding (or falling short of) the word limit will stand disqualified for the event. (Penmancy Tip: Use to check your word count.)
  4. Previously published or plagiarized works will not be considered for contention. The writer of such content stands a chance to be disqualified for the next Penmancy event.
  5. Event duration-
    • Event announcement: October 23, 2020, 6 pm IST
    • Submission to be published between October 24, 2020, 8 am IST and October 25, 2020, 8 am IST.
    • Submissions deadline: October 25, 2020, 8am IST
    • Readers’ ratings conclude: October 25, 2020, 6pm IST
    • Results on the basis of readers’ ratings to be declared on October 25, 2020, 8 pm IST.
  6. Writers of top 3 stories will win themselves the eBook “Aarohi” by Anupama Dalmia.

Below are the submissions