That 9th Floor

Lola shut the lift doors behind and headed towards 109 flat on the 9th floor. She had gone to visit her friend who got married in February but, due to the lockdown, she couldn't meet the new couple. Upon invitation, Lola reached their apartment. She knocked on the door thrice before an old lady opened the door! Lola smiled and enquired whether Megha was in??..... The lady gazed in silence, then asked: "Who are you? A friend??.....Were you allowed to get inside the apartment? Because they don't allow outsiders!!!”....Lola thought, probably she isn't aware of the Covid scene out there, so she assured the lady, "yes aunty, now they are allowing, since the lockdown is over." Though the lady was still not quite convinced; but anyway she explained to Lola that, this is the wrong address, and Megha stays on the 6th floor. As soon as, Lola realised her mistake, she banged on her forehead, and took out her phone to check the address again. She had mistaken 9th for 6th. Sheepishly, she mumbled, "I am an idiot, this is so embarrassing. “She lifted her head to apologise to the lady. "Sorry aan aunty, I disturbed you, I'll go now.” Lola heaved a sigh and, rushed back into the lift impatiently, as she was too excited to see her friend. Finally she came to the right flat and pressed the bell......Megha opened the door, and screamed in happiness-"you are here finally. What took you so long? I have been waiting for an hour. “Lola told her what happened, and, how she went to the 9th floor instead of 6th. She asked Megha, “do you know that aunty from 109 of the 9th floor?".....Megha listened to Lola in shock, she was stupefied, and she didn't speak anything. When Lola goaded her, she answered, "That aunty passed away in April due to Covid!!!"
