Those Nine Days

Charulatha Panigrahi posted under Flash Fiction Nine Tales on 2020-10-24

“I tested positive”,Sunanda told me over phone. Her tone made me feel  very alarming. She remained  in home Quarantine for three days. But her fever didn’t go with medicines. She was shifted to the covid hospital.She texted me from there. I felt very bad for her. My friend who was always with me in my difficulties was in hospital and I was unable to see her.  Good thing was my husband with some contact managed to arrange a cabin for her.She shared it with another lady who happened  to be a doctor. I was in contact with her on whatsApp. First thing in the mornings  I sent her a funny message and then some information about other friends. This was what I could do to make her happy.  Since  our school days, she loved  to hear  my songs. I sent every day a video recording  which she listened along with her cabin mate. Her condition  was a little bit more critical than Sunanda. By the sixth day the other one had become a good friend of mine.  That day she told me,” You have boosted our morale a lot by your singing and the positive and also the funny messages.” A sense of satisfaction I felt. At least..  My friend was recovering fast. On the ninth day of her hospitalisation she got discharged. It was a great news for all of us. I was really very tensed for her.  In those nine days a bonding had been developed with the doctor patient who was totally unknown  to me.  After Sunanda left the hospital I continued the same way to keep contact with her. She too was getting well day by day and my new friend was released from the cabin after eighteen days. 
